Custom scene

Scenario means a combination control solution. For instance, the “out of home” scenario refers to the mode that all lighting and AC is off, windows and doors are closed, curtains are drawn and the security alarm is on. If your house is equipped with intelligent system, you could turn off all home appliances by pressing the button on the wall before you leave. Yet you may happen to wonder if you have pressed the button or not.
The Plus APP can easily solve the problem. You could check your phone if the lighting is still on. If yes, you select the right scenario and it will be controlled remotely. Furthermore, Plus has custom-made scenario set-up. You could choose the appliance you want to control and set the movements. It’s done. There is no need for professionals to come over.
With scenarios buttons, you could change your living room to a party place, home theater, music hall or library. How simple it is. D-Control Plus changes your life completely.

Living room

Click and go

Meeting room

Click and go